Inštitut za ekonomsko demokracijo


Archives: Timeline


The pilot implementation phase of the sloESOP is kicked off in three companies.


The newly-established Ministry for Solidarity Future features a department dedicated to Economic Democracy

10% of the private sector’s GDP in Slovenia is produced by companies that are partly or fully employee-owned.

Labor platforms are required to establish an employee ownership cooperative  and sell a percentage of the ownership of their local branch to employees.

Economic democracy is used for the first time as a criterion in public procurement at thre national level.

Economic democracy is used for the first time as a criterion in public procurement at the municipal level.

A policy proposal developed by IED and inspired by the Italian Marcora law, which allows employees of companies facing closure to buy-out the companies’ assets, becomes law.

A public institution launches a loan, grant or loan guarantee program dedicated to support the development of the employee-owned sector.

IED’s policy proposal to regulate and tax-incentivise sloESOPs becomes is approved by parliament and becomes law.